Atlantic58 has supported the delivery of a wide variety of projects ranging from small community initiatives to complex EIA developments.
Smokehouse Bat Surveys
Atlantic58 to carry out a preliminary bat roost assessment and the subsequent emergence surveys and reports at Achiltibuie Smokehouse.
atlantic salmon Fish Farm EIA
Atlantic58 are supporting the client with delivery of the EIA process for the wider changes to the loch from the pre-screening stage.
Suborbital launch facility, eia
Atlantic58 provided co-project management services with Aquatera to deliver the EIA for the UK’s first suborbital rocket launching facility.
Biodiversity Enhancement reporting
Atlantic58 conducted desk and field based assessment of ecological receptors focusing on protected species (otter) and construction proposals to identify options for habitat and biodiversity enhancement under new National Planning Framework (NPF) requirements.
Peatland Restoration and Feasibility Assessments
Atlantic58 have been commissioned to support the delivery of two peatland restoration projects in line with NatureScot's PeatlandACTION best practice.
Agri-Environment Climate Scheme
Atlantic58 collated and submitted an Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) application on behalf of the common grazing committees.
Educational Centre, Planning Application
Atlantic58 supported the client with a desk study to generate a baseline description of the onshore and offshore environment to support education, training and rewilding initiatives, in addition to supporting ongoing planning requirements.