atlantic salmon Fish Farm EIA

[Photo] fish farm site visit with choppy sea

Photo: Fish farm site visit

Location: Loch Erisort, Isle of Lewis

Client:  Mowi (Scotland) Ltd

The Project: Development of a new commercial fish farm, to facilitate the relinquishment and decommissioning of an existing fish farm site within the Loch Erisort complex.  The new fish farm will be located further offshore, in conditions of greater flushing to support with carbon dispersion and will adopt larger net sizes to improve fish welfare.

Our Role: Atlantic58 Ltd was appointed to support the EIA process. To date support includes the preparation of a Request for a Scoping Opinion under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 which was submitted to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) in August 2024. Atlantic58 are also project managing the preparation of the EIA Report, authoring the majority of chapters in-house, with support from LUC for the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.

Outcome:  Ongoing

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