
Environmental Clerk of Works


An Environmental Clerk of Works is responsible for monitoring and ensuring environmental compliance during construction projects. They oversee activities to minimize environmental impact, ensure adherence to environmental regulations and project specifications, and report any non-compliances. Atlantic58 is currently providing EnvCoW for complex developments including transmission projects and Spaceport infrastructure.

Our staff have extensive experience working on construction sites, hold up to date health and safety qualifications for working on construction sites e.g. Register of Land-Based Operations (ROLO) and Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) and are experienced in managing asbestos and other contaminated land.

Photo: EnvCoW Turbidity Meter | Atlantic58

Atlantic58 Environmental Clerk of Works Turbidity Meter

Environmental Clerk of Works (EnvCoW)

Featured Projects


Ecological Surveys


Peatland Management Plans and Restoration