Educational Centre, Planning Application

Photo: Summer Isles

Location: Cárn Deas, Summer Isles

Client:  Private Client

The Project: Development of a small environmental educational facility on a remote unpopulated island in the Summer Isles. The development comprises a sensitively designed centre and landing point for vessels, designed by award-winning architect and design team leader sba architects ltd. The project is located within, and adjacent to, a number of statutory designated sites including Priest Island SPA, designated for its population of storm petrels and is located within Wester Ross MPA.

Our Role: Atlantic58 completed an initial feasibility assessment of the onshore and offshore environment in addition to supporting ongoing planning requirements, including consultation with regulators and conservation groups. Environmental and ecological support included habitat suitability surveys of key bird species (storm petrels) and other protected species (otter), and provision of guidance on extensive mitigation and island biosecurity. Other objectives are focused on the identification of opportunities to support ecological education, research and training as part of the wider aspirations for the site.

Outcome:  Ongoing, a full planning application will be submitted in 2024.

Contact us about Feasibility and Desk Assessment services:


Socioeconomic Study: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna


Feasibility Analysis: Community Woodland