Peatland Restoration and Feasibility Assessments
Location: Carloway, Isle of Lewis
Client: Calmax Ltd (for Scottish Water)
The Project: Scottish Water are aiming to improve conservation in drinking water catchment areas, in addition to delivering on wider commitments to biodiversity enhancement. As part of a range of national initiatives, Scottish Water is taking forward a number of locally based peatland restoration projects on the Isle of Lewis in collaboration with local communities and grazing committees..
Our Role: Atlantic58 has completed several peatland restoration feasibility reports for restoration initiatives in and around statutory Drinking Water catchments managed by Scottish Water. In addition to the delivery of Peatland Restoration Feasibility Reports, supporting activities included the submission of CAR applications to SEPA for the impoundment of watercourses and also the submission of information to support the Prior Notification process to the planning authority to secure permitted development rights.
Outcome: Various sites at different stages up to, and including submission of final verification report.
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