Fish Farm Modification, EIA
Location: Hellisay, Sound of Barra
Client: Aquatera (for Mowi (Scotland) Ltd)
The Project: In line with the aspirations to move fish farms out of quiescent sea lochs into areas with more dynamic flushing regimes, new and improved infrastructure is needed to survive greater hydrodynamic forces and reduce the potential for net damage. The project represented a major infrastructure upgrade to the existing site, including a new mooring system, larger and more hydrodynamically resilient pens.
Our Role: The existing site is located within a sensitive and hydrodynamically complex area within the Sound of Barra SAC, designated for marine habitats including maerl beds and seagrass. Atlantic58 managed and collated the EIA Report for the infrastructure upgrade, including a synthesis of benthic survey reports over a 10-year period, Information to Support a Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) and a detailed impact assessment on maerl. Key mitigations developed include research of maerl habitat within a novel maerl biotope as part of an Environmental Management Plan.
Outcome: Under determination by CnES for planning consent,
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